Our Macedonian Calls

Sometimes I wonder how many people read the Bible or hear a message preached about a Bible character and think, God could never use me like that. One such story is found in Acts 16:1-10 and is known as the Macedonian Call. In short, the apostle Paul had a vision in which a man from Macedonia was asking him to come share the gospel to the people of that place. Wow, pretty supernatural right? We read this and probably think of God only using a few special people in things like this. Well if you have, you’re wrong. In this blog I want to share a few points that can help you be used by God in ways you may have thought impossible.
We need to understand that God wants to send us or give us divine opportunities to help others know Him. I call them our “Macedonian Call”. They are times when situations and opportunities present themselves and we are ready to be used of God to help bring people to Jesus. The following are a few things that we can do to prepare ourselves to be used of God.
  • Remember your personal time with God is key to building a strong relationship with Him so you can hear from Him.
    • The Study of God’s Word
    • Prayer
    • Meditation
    • Being filled and staying filled with the Holy Spirit
    • Reading other good faith filled books
  • Be a part of a strong local church where you are fed, equipped, and trained to do the work of the ministry.
  • Have a daily desire and expectation to be used of God.

As you do the things contained in points one and two and get excited about the third, you will find you will be faced with many of your own Macedonian Calls. You too can and will be used by God! Click here for more information on this topic.