Are You on the Potter’s Wheel?

Do you know God wants to make each of us into something special for His purpose? Well, He does and according to Romans 8:29 it is God’s plan for us to be Christ-like. We find in the 18th chapter of Jeremiah God sending the prophet to the potter’s house and there God spoke to him an important lesson. There God reveals His plan to mold us into something beautiful and useful for His glory. In this blog, I want to show you one thing God uses to mold us into all He wants us to be. The answer is God uses His Word to put us together and shape us for His use.

There’s nothing like the written Word of God for showing you the way to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Every part of scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another- showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the task God has for us. 2 Timothy 3:15-17 (msg.) Now I’m going to walk us through this passage of scripture and show us how God uses His Word to reshape our lives to be like Christ.
  1. The Written Word show us the way of salvation.
    It is only through the Word of God that we are exposed to God’s plan of salvation for us which only comes by putting our faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
  2. The scriptures are given by inspiration of God.
    God didn’t just inspire the Bible, but God himself, His life and power are contained in His Word. God’s Word is different than any other book and because it is divine and living, it reads us, we don’t just read it.
  3. The Word shows us the truth or  teaches us what is true.
    God did us a favor an didn’t leave this up for option, He told us.
  4. The Word exposes our rebellion and corrects our mistakes.
    It shows us what is wrong in our lives and points us in the right way. Aren’t we glad God allows U-turns, redo’s, and makeovers? I am!
  5. The Word trains us to live God’s way.
    God’s Word is the manual that shows us how.
  6. Through the Word, we are put together and shaped up for the task God has for us.
    Remember all this is to make us more like Jesus.
The lesson is simple, God uses His Word to mold, reshape, and make us into the people He desires.
So are you on the potter’s wheel?
You can hear this message here